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Extending Equipment Life with Remanufactured Components

随着矿山对成本的意识越来越强, many are considering not just the cost of equipment but also the total cost of ownership (TCO), which reveals the full cost of owning 和 operating that equipment through its entire lifecycle. Keeping equipment properly maintained is one of the key strategies for that. 另一个, 近年来增长迅速, is extending the useful life of equipment with remanufactured components. 在本期的专家角, 肯Jefferis, 剩余运营经理, 和科里·保罗, 工程和技术服务经理, 留在SMS设备公司, explain the advantages 和 how 韦德娱乐1946 is helping customers leverage them.

Why would a mine consider remanufactured components?

有几个原因. 首先, 节约成本 是重要的. This is because many major components have large cast steel parts that don't wear or take only minor wear 和, 可以用合适的工具重建吗, 而且成本效益很高. 通过只更换可消耗的部分, we can significantly reduce the cost of acquiring a component in as-new condition. That in turn, translates into a lower cost of ownership for the piece of equipment.

另一个优点是 可用性. Many of these parts are not available in the customer's inventory at the necessary level. 然而, with 韦德娱乐1946 solutions 和 exchange programs, we can help bridge that gap through our Reman services.

From our perspective, this also significantly contributes to 减少我们的碳足迹 because we're able to salvage 和 reuse the components repeatedly. 我们不断地重新利用钢铁, reducing the need for the materials to be shipped to scrap yards or sent to l和fills.

What is the 可用性 of remanufactured components for 小松 equipment?

韦德娱乐1946 has maintained a remanufacturing facility at our 艾奇逊,阿尔伯塔省 选址16年. In that time, operations have grown significantly, 和 so have our capabilities. We now have approximately six hundred active work orders for manufacturing components. To meet this growing dem和, we have increased headcount in the facility by 29% since 2020.

We are also strengthening our ties with 小松. We are currently awaiting our audit for Level Three certification, meaning our work is 小松-certified not only for overhauls but also for remanufacturing components. This achievement is a testament to our ongoing 追求卓越. Building upon our Level 1 certification achieved in 2022, 2023年第2级, 和 our pursuit of Level 3 signifies a significant milestone in our journey towards even higher st和ards. Reaching these milestones means we have easy access to 小松's technical resources 和, 同样重要的是, a voice in suggesting improvements based on issues experienced in Canadian mines.

What are some of the most common components that you remanufacture?

有相当大的范围. We see a lot of minor stuff like steering cylinders, hoist cylinders, oil pumps, 和 blower motors. On the other end of the scale, we're rebuilding motors for haul trucks 和 other large machines. Rebuilding a 3000-horsepower motor is a pretty significant effort. So, we have electrical journeypersons on staff to do that specialized work, as well as some pretty significant test equipment.


How long is the wait time for a remanufactured component?

我们有一个交换项目 减少等待时间. 当客户想要更换组件时, we will supply them with a remanufactured one off the shelf 和 then receive their worn component for remanufacturing. We then inspect the component to determine what work is required to put it back on the shelf in as-new condition. Whatever we can't rebuild, we replace it with OEM parts.

The condition of equipment varies depending on the 矿业 application 和 what the equipment was used for, 所以这不是几个小时的问题. 矿井现场条件, 还有运输概况, play a significant role in the wear rate of the components. We also conduct thorough assessments to ensure the integrity of components. 在某些情况下, 令人遗憾的是, we may find that a component has undergone extensive wear or misuse, 使其不适合接受.
We aim to ensure the optimal performance 和 safety of all components entrusted to us.
在这种情况下, we'll work closely with our clients to explore alternative solutions or recommendations.


One of the keys for us, 和 this goes back for years, is that we have joined 小松 on their 持续改进之旅. This means we use Lean methodology to engage all of our people in the facility to look for opportunities to improve quality 和 lower costs. 另一个优势是可用性. As our expertise has grown, it's become clear to visitors that this is a pretty 独特的商店. 工作环境明亮干净, 和 the best part is you can see that people enjoy what they are doing here. 当这种情况发生时,你会得到更好的质量.


Remanufactured components can be a powerful enabler for reducing the total cost of ownership of 矿业 equipment. Components that come out of 韦德娱乐1946's Reman facility are factory-approved, 具有成本效益的, 和, 感谢SMS设备交换计划, 现成的. 此外, extending equipment life with remanufactured components reduces a mine's overall carbon footprint.

With locations to serve you across Canada 和 Alaska, 韦德娱乐1946 is your local equipment 和 solutions provider.

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